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Credentialed nutrition and dietetics practitioners providing telehealth services where the practitioner and patient are located in different states, the practitioner providing the patient care service must be licensed and/or meet the other applicable standards that are required by state or local laws in both the state where the practitioner is located and the state where the patient is located. Note some states have exemptions that may enable one to practice even without being licensed in that state.
CDR provides Case Studies and Practice Tips related to telehealth:
- Case Study: RDNs Delivering Telehealth Nutrition-Related Services in Hospital Outpatient Setting
- Case Study: RDNs Delivering Telehealth Diabetes Care and Education-Related Services
- Case Study: NDTRs Delivering Telehealth Nutrition-Related Services
- Practice Tips: Delivery of Nutrition-Related Services Using Telehealth
The legal status of cross-border/telehealth practice is generally determined by the location of the patient or client. Some state telehealth laws may provide authority to health care practitioners to practice so long as one is licensed in at least one state. Other state telehealth laws require health care practitioners to be licensed in that specific state to lawfully practice.
RDNs should review telehealth-specific laws for every state where the RDN seeks to practice. Although not an exhaustive list, a helpful resource on state-specific telehealth laws is The Center for Connected Health Policy. To review relevant telehealth laws using this resource, click “State” from the dropdown menu at the top and select the state of interest, select the topic “Professional Requirements,” and then select the relevant subtopic of inquiry on the left.
Note that some laws and regulations listed on this website may only apply to specific health care practitioners. Use the provided below “Source” link to review the state's statutory or regulatory language. RDNs should always confer with a state's licensure board for specific questions about telehealth and applicability of state laws.
Review State Licensure