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2024 CDR CPEU Prior Approval Program FAQ

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Can you explain how Joint Accreditation relates to CDR? If a CPE activity is offered by a Jointly Accredited Provider, does it need to be approved by CDR?

Joint Accreditation is the industry's premier organization for interprofessional continuing education (IPCE). IPCE is designed to address the professional practice gaps of the healthcare team using an educational planning process that reflects input from those healthcare professionals who make up the team.1 In 2020, CDR joined Joint Accreditation as an associate member. If a CPE activity is offered by a Jointly Accredited Provider, it does not need to be approved by CDR in order for learners to claim it for CPEUs.

  1. Joint Accreditation. Joint Accreditation Requirements. Accessed July 25, 2023.
Will CDR accept enduring activities from CPE Providers accredited by other organizations? If so, from which organizations will CDR accept enduring activities?

CDR accepts enduring activities from certain CPE providers accredited by other CDR-approved organizations. Enduring activities approved by the following organizations are currently accepted:


American Academy of Family Physicians


American Academy of Nurse Practitioners


American Academy of Physician Assistants


Organizations accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education


Organizations accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education


American Nurses Credentialing Center


American Psychiatric Association


American Psychological Association


American Public Health Association

For example, if CPE Provider 1234 is accredited by American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), CDR will recognize enduring activities offered by Provider 1234 for CPEUs.

What is the timeline for transitioning from the current Accredited Provider and Prior Approval Programs to the new CDR CPEU Prior Approval Program?

Activities submitted on or after April 1, 2024, will need to adhere to the CDR CPEU Prior Approval Program policies.

Effective May 31, 2024, activities approved under an Accredited Provider Program have expired.

Recorded Pre-Approved Activities (175) and Self-Study Activities (700-740) approved under old Prior Approval Program will expire on their established expiration dates or on May 31, 2027 (whichever happens first). Other activities approved under the old Prior Approval Program will expire on their established expiration dates.

What is the benchmarking report? When will the benchmarking report need to be completed?

As part of the pre-CPE submission requirements, the Accountable Contact must complete an initial, one-time benchmarking report. The benchmarking report provides a reference point for the annual report. For detailed information please see policy 13.1 (Components of the Benchmarking Report). 

The benchmarking report will need to be completed before a CPE Provider can submit CPE activities under the CDR CPEU Prior Approval Program. 

What is the annual report? When will the annual report need to be completed?

All CPE Providers with active CDR Prior Approved CPE activities in a reporting year will be required to submit an annual report relevant to that year.

For detailed information please see policy 13.2 (Components of the Annual Report).

CDR CPE Providers will be placed in one of four reporting cohorts (March, June, September, or December) based on date of completion of the benchmarking report. Reporting cohorts will determine due date of the annual report.

Reporting Cohorts

Benchmarking Report CompleteAnnual Report Due the Following Year 
October/November/ December December 


Data gathered via the benchmarking and annual reports will be presented to CDR’s Competency Assurance Panel and CDR and may be utilized to inform future revisions to Content Criteria and CDR CPE Provider Policies, as well as quality processes.

What is the purpose of the QR code on the CDR Certificate of Completion?

CDR will generate a QR code for all activities approved through the CDR CPEU Prior Approval Program to be included on Certificates of Completion. Learners will have the option of scanning the QR code to auto-populate activity information in their activity logs. 

How many days prior to the date of an activity should a CPE Provider submit for Prior Approval?

CDR requires all CDR CPEU Prior Approval CPE activity applications to be submitted at least 48 hours prior to the start of the CPE activity. If the CPE submission has not been reviewed by CDR staff prior to the activity being offered, CPE Providers shall notify learners that the submission review is pending using the language specified in Policy 14.3.3 (CPE Submission Review Pending). 

If the activity submission is denied, CPE Providers shall notify learners using the language specified in Policy 14.3.2 (CPE Activity Submission Denied). Final review of complete CPE applications and approval or denial for CPEUs takes 4-6 weeks.

What is the role of the Accountable Contact and who can be designated as an Accountable Contact?

The Accountable Contact is designated by the CPE Provider to serve as a liaison to CDR and is responsible for ensuring compliance with Content Criteria, activity type definitions, and CDR CPE Provider Policies. The Accountable Contact may be the CPE Provider and does not need to be a CDR credentialed practitioner.

Can an organization designate more than one Accountable Contact?

Yes, an organization may designate up to three Accountable Contacts.