Registration Examination for Dietitians – Candidate Code of Conduct
In all matters directly or indirectly related to the registration examination for dietitians, the CDRTM Candidate Code of Conduct applies and requires the Candidate to adhere to the highest standards of conduct expected of nutrition and dietetics practitioners.
A “Candidate” is an individual meeting the academic and supervised practice criteria for examination eligibility as established by the CDRTM and verified through the CDRTM Registration Eligibility Processing System (REPS).
A Candidate must comply with the Code of Conduct. A Candidate violating the Code’s provisions may be subject to discipline.
Provision Rules:
Rule 1: A Candidate shall strictly comply with the Non-Disclosure Agreement, applicable terms, conditions for examinations, the Handbook for Candidates.
Rule 2: A Candidate shall not copy or remove any examination materials from a testing site by any means, including without limitation memory recall, physical or electronic means, and shall not disclose to another party any confidential information, whether written, verbal or otherwise, including the nature and content of examinations. Confidential information includes information of a proprietary nature such as exam items or questions, and information that is legally restricted from circulation.
Rule 3: A Candidate shall respond promptly, truthfully, and fully to any request for information by, and cooperate fully with CDRTM, its committees, panels, authorized agents, and staff in connection with any disciplinary or other proceeding relating to the Candidate Code of Conduct.
Policy on Investigating Examination Cheating or Failure to Follow Agreements and Candidate Code of Conduct:
CDRTM shall follow up on any evidence that a Candidate has cheated or has failed to follow the Non-Disclosure Agreement, Candidate Code of Conduct, Handbook for Candidates, or any terms and conditions governing examinations. Any suspected infraction will be investigated by the CDRTM Examination Panel and referred to CDRTM for final resolution. If CDRTM determines an infraction has occurred during the examination process, appropriate discipline will be imposed.
CDRTM Actions may include:
- Warning – The Candidate is issued a warning. The Candidate is reminded of the importance of strict adherence to the Candidate Code of Conduct during the examination process and advised of possible disciplinary action.
- Ban – The Candidate is banned from the registration examination for a specified period of time, up to and including a lifetime ban.
Candidates suspected of violating of the Candidate Code of Conduct may face disciplinary action by the CDRTM, regardless of the examination result or membership in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
The Candidate will receive communications describing any action(s) taken by the CDRTM and procedures for the CDRTM appeals process and/or the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics appeals process.
Written Report of Infraction:
If a Candidate violates the Non-Disclosure Agreement, the Candidate Code of Conduct, the Handbook for Candidates or any other terms and conditions governing examinations, a written infraction report may be submitted to the CDRTM and its Examination Panel describing what the Candidate did or failed to do.
An individual submitting an infraction report must include their name and contact information. All infraction report information, including the submitter’s name and contact information will remain confidential.
There are no restrictions on who can submit an infraction report.
An individual should submit completed infraction report and include any documentation supporting the submitters claim of a Candidate’s conduct violation(s).
Regardless of the outcome, the infraction report and supporting documentation submitted will be kept on file with CDR for a reasonable period of time. If additional related incidents occur, all files will become part of the future investigation.
Review of Candidate Conduct and Disciplinary Action:
The CDRTM Examination Panel may initiate a review of a Candidate's conduct at any time, at its sole discretion, with or without the receipt of an infraction report.
The CDRTM Examination Panel reviews available information and conducts investigations as it deems appropriate to determine whether a violation occurred based on evidence.
If a violation is confirmed by the CDRTM Examination Panel, appropriate remedial or disciplinary action to be taken may be recommended to the CDRTM for concurrence. Such action shall be communicated in writing to the Candidate.