Certificate of Training Live Events
Certificate of Training in Obesity for Pediatrics and Adults
May 2025
Live Event Helpful Tips
Things to Know
Wednesday, May 7, 2025
Thursday, May 8, 2025
Wednesday, May 14, 2025
Thursday, May 15, 2025
11 am - 3 pm ET; 10 am - 2pm CT; 9 am - 1 pm MT; 8 am - 12 pm PT
The live events will be livestreamed by the BlueSky eLearning Management System, Path. You will need your CDR username and password to login to each live event. If you experience any issues logging in, please contact BlueSky Help Desk at support@blueskyelearn.com, or call the Help Desk at (888) 705-6002 or 1 (858) 201-4136 for callers residing outside the United States.
Performing a System Check
The Path eLearning management system supports the latest versions of all major browsers. Learn more.
Clearing your cache
Need to improve your computer performance by clearing your cache? Learn how.
Enabling Cookies in your Browser
Need to enable cookies in your browser? Learn how.
If your computer buffers or freezes during the live events, please do a refresh by reloading the page by clicking on the ½ circle in the upper left corner of your browser.
Closing - VPN & Other Browsers
For best results during the live events, disconnect from VPN and close all other browsers. Dedicate your computer only to the live events.
Planning for Internet/Wi-Fi Interruptions
You may wish to have several backup options in your home/office in the unlikely event you lose internet/Wi-Fi access or lose electrical power. Please be sure to charge your laptop computer, mobile devices, and power packs. For loss of internet/Wi-Fi, you may wish to use your cell phone hotspot or internet card.
Preparing to Participate
Be sure to set up in a quiet place in your home/office away from distractions, silence your cell phone, and have the learner guide and professional planner handy -- information regarding these documents will be available soon.
Going Live
On the live event days, the “Join Live Web Event” link will appear 30 minutes before the event. You will be allowed in the live event at least 10 minutes before the event. You will enter the events on mute and remain on mute throughout the events. You should turn off your video.
Logging in Daily
You must log in for each live event to be eligible to take the post-test. Your attendance will be verified for each event before you are permitted to proceed to the next event and before gaining access to the post-test.
Maintaining Engagement
During the live event, the facilitators will be using various interactive tools — polling questions, reflection questions and the chat box to keep you engaged. You are encouraged to pose your questions in the Q&A and Polls section. The facilitators will address as many questions as time permits. To increase the priority status of an existing question in the Q&A and Polls section, please select the thumbs up C.
Access to Next Live Events
At the end of each event, you will be re-directed to an evaluation. Please complete the evaluation each day before logging off, so you will be able to access the next event.
Learner Guide
The learner guide will be available under the Resources Tab. The guide will be linked in the Resources Tab which is included on each event landing page. The guide contains the agenda, PowerPoint presentations and handouts for all sessions. Bios for the facilitators are also included.
To avoid missing any content during the first event, please be sure to download these documents prior to the start of the first event. The facilitators will refer to this guide during all live event days. If you plan to print the guide, you may wish to print in grayscale instead of color.
This FAQ will provide the answer to all of your questions regarding the post-test. The post-test submission deadline is Monday, May 27, 2025, 5:00 pm CT.
Logging of CPE Credits
A total of 61 CPE Credits have been awarded for the Certificate of Training in Obesity for Pediatrics and Adults.
Activity Type: 120 Certificate Program
Activity Number: 179685
Program Approval Period: 1/1/2023 - 1/31/2026
Suggested Performance Indicators:
- 9.1.1 - Interprets and applies evidence-based literature and standards for determining nutritional needs of target audiences.
- 9.2.3 - Analyzes new information and how it impacts medical nutrition therapy.
- 10.1.3 - Identifies and analyzes factors that influence change in behaviors.
- 10.2.4 - Collaborates with learners and colleagues to formulate specific, measurable and attainable objectives and goals.
Although there are suggested performance indicators* provided for the course, you as the practitioner will select the competency from the dropdown list that describes the knowledge, skills and behaviors gained from activity completion.
- *Performance Indicators describe an inter-related set of behaviors and the level of expected performance that can be evaluated to determine whether the competency has been met.
Click here for a tutorial on how to log CPE credits for this activity.
Access to Prework Modules
Access to the prework modules will conclude on Monday, June 30, 2025,11:59pm CT. Please be sure to download and save any materials you wish to retain on your computer hard drive by that date.
Next Step for the CSOWM
Please click here if you are considering the CSOWM certification.
Updated: March 2025