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Certificate of Training Post Test FAQ
Many Certificate of Training in Obesity participants have questions regarding the post-test. This Q & A is designed to answer the most common questions. It is important to note that the majority of the questions on the post-test relate to the content from the live course. As such, participants who attend every session and are actively involved in the polls and chat questions have a high likelihood of passing the post-test.
Q: How will I obtain access to the post-test?
A: Access to the test will be provided after your participation in the four live events has been verified. An email will be sent by 3:00 pm CT on Thursday, May 15, 2025, with instructions to access the test.
Q: How many questions are included on the post-test?
A: There are 61 multiple choice questions on the test.
Q: When is the deadline to complete the post-test?
A: The submission deadline for the test is 5:00 pm CT on Tuesday, May 27, 2025. Access to the test will end at that time.
Q: Can I use the materials from the pre-work modules and the learner guide to help me complete the post-test?
A: Yes. The test questions are primarily from the sessions presented during the live events; however, a few questions are included from the prework modules.
Q: Can I form a study group to prepare for the post-test?
A: The post-test of the Certificate of Training in Obesity for Pediatrics and Adults is an assessment of knowledge and competence obtained or enhanced through an individual’s participation in the course. The prework modules, Learner Guide, and session notes may be used to answer the multiple-choice questions on the post-test. Individuals may form study groups to prepare for the post-assessment. However, the test itself must be completed individually.
Q: What is the passing score for the post-test?
A: The passing score for the test is 80% or higher. Your score will display on the screen immediately upon submitting the test.
Q: Is there a “Save & Continue Later” option?
A: Unfortunately, the eLearning management system does not have a “save and continue later” option. Note: There is not a limit to the number of times you can go in and out of the test. Your visits will not be monitored. Your access will end once you complete the test.
Q: Once I begin the test, what is the time limit to complete?
A: The test is not timed. You can take as long as you wish to complete the test.
Q: Can I take the post-test more than one time?
A: No. You only have one opportunity to take the test. Once the test is submitted, you will no longer have access to the test.
Q: Will an answer key be provided?
A: No, a key will not be provided. The same test is administered during future courses; therefore, CDR is unable to provide an answer key or any feedback regarding the test or your score.
Q: Will I receive any communications from CDR regarding my post-test score?
A: Yes. CDR will send an email the week of May 27, 2025.
Q: How do I obtain my certificate?
A: If you successfully pass the test, your certificate will appear under your profile area. You can access your profile area by clicking on your name in the upper right-hand corner and clicking on “Certificates.” You may also view a short tutorial here.
Q: What happens if I do not pass the post-test?
A: If you do not pass the test, you will not be awarded the Certificate of Training. However, if you are an RDN or NDTR, you will be awarded 61 continuing education credits for completing the course. Documentation verifying your continuing education credits will be emailed the week of May 27, 2025.
Q: How do I obtain verification of the 61 CPE credits for the course?
A: Once you take the post-test, you will be able to download a document verifying the CPE credit.