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The text 'Commission on Dietetic Registration Information and Updates 2024' is displayed with a geometric design in green, white, and navy. On the left, a man looks up from his laptop. Click the graphic to access the video.] Embed video in above graphic (Standards of Excellence Stakeholder Presentation)- MP4 file attached

Standards of Excellence

The Standards of Excellence Program aims to recognize organizations that understand and elevate the value of credentialed nutrition and dietetics practitioners. Organizations across the care spectrum can actively participate in achieving this designation. It is comprised of four domains. The criteria under each domain can be found in the Standards of Excellence Scoring Tool, and can be applied broadly to a variety of practice areas, including acute and post-acute care facilities, community nutrition and public health facilities, education and research entities, as well as business and industry groups.

Four Domains to the Standards of Excellence

Orgpractice: Image displaying four circular badges representing the Standards of Excellence in Nutrition and Dietetics for 2024-2029. Each badge highlights a domain within different colored outlines: 'Quality of Organization' in green, 'Quality of Practice' in purple, 'Quality of Leadership' in blue, and 'Quality of Outcomes' in red.: Image displaying four circular badges representing the Standards of Excellence in Nutrition and Dietetics for 2024-2029. Each badge highlights a domain within different colored outlines: 'Quality of Organization' in green, 'Quality of Practice' in purple, 'Quality of Leadership' in blue, and 'Quality of Outcomes' in red.

This program is comprised of four domains: Quality of Leadership, Quality of Practice, Quality of Organization, and Quality of Outcomes. Each domain has criteria developed to highlight the value of credentialed practitioners and ensure the demonstration of quality of service provided by the nutrition and dietetics professionals. 

The nature of the SoE is detail-oriented, allowing organizations and their leadership to determine opportunities for improvement and formulate action plans and long-term strategic plans to ensure excellence is at the forefront of all that they do. An organization can choose to apply for up to three of the four domains under the Standards of Excellence Program, or seek the Center of Excellence Designation, by completing all four domains.

Quality of Organization

Recognizes organizations that empower credentialed nutrition and dietetics practitioners to make decisions at the organizational level. This work is essential to the success of credentialed nutrition and dietetics practitioners and is observed through their inclusion in its strategic plans, performance improvement plan, internal and external programs, systems, and corporate culture.

Quality of Practice

Recognizes organizations that provide quality nutrition and dietetics services utilizing credentialed nutrition and dietetics practitioner(s) professional expertise. The culture of the organization allows credentialed nutrition and dietetics practitioners to be identified as leaders, while recognizing that quality nutrition and dietetics practice is built on a solid foundation of education, credentialing, evidence-informed practice, demonstrated competence, and adherence to established professional standards.

Quality of Leadership

Highlights an organization that values the education, skills, knowledge, applied judgment, and attitudes credentialed nutrition and dietetics practitioners bring to the leadership of the organization. This domain is critical for excellence as it includes leadership within the organization and the profession, volunteer leadership, individual honors and awards, transformational leadership, and mentorship to encourage practitioners to advance in skills and knowledge.

Quality of Outcomes

Establishes the key role played by nutrition-sensitive outcomes to document performance, value, and satisfaction through regularly measuring and reporting these outcomes.  Organizations that value excellence continuously strive to measure and improve the performance of credentialed nutrition and dietetics practitioners in delivering safe and timely nutrition and dietetics services that are effective in producing positive outcomes.

The Commission on Dietetic Registration has developed a Standards of Excellence Action Plan to support the achievement of each domain and the ultimate designation as a Center of Excellence.

Center of Excellence Designation
Badge design for the Center of Excellence in Nutrition & Dietetics 2024-2029. The badge features a gray shield with three gold stars in a circular design at the top. Below, the text “Center of Excellence in Nutrition & Dietetics 2024-2029” is displayed in bold white letters, with “Commission on Dietetic Registration” at the bottom

“I did not find it difficult to convince leadership to fund this once I explained it was for a Center of Excellence application - they have received this distinction in other areas, and it is always celebrated. Being a slightly smaller hospital in the greater Seattle area it's helpful to find ways for us to stand out to encourage the public to choose us for their healthcare needs.” 

Melissa Molloy, MS, RDN, CD Clinical Nutrition Manager, UW Valley Medical Center 2024-2029 Center of Excellence Designee

The Center of Excellence in Nutrition and Dietetics Designation utilizes the Standards of Excellence (SoE) to identify and recognize organizations with exemplary leadership, outcomes, organization, and practice within the realm of nutrition and dietetics. Organizations with this designation continuously honor the work and expertise of the RD/RDN and DTR/NDTR as the nutrition experts.

The purpose in establishing the Center of Excellence in Nutrition and Dietetics Designation utilizing the Standards of Excellence (SoE) is to promote the value and competence of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) and Nutrition and Dietetics Technicians, Registered (NDTR). The Designation, given for five years, raises visibility for the work of RDNs/NDTRs and their organization, highlighting their exceptional achievements among a broad audience. Receipt of this designation will contribute to confidence in their practice, resulting in credibility for the organization. 

Because the Standards of Excellence domain criteria can be applied broadly to a variety of practice areas, credentialed nutrition and dietetics practitioners across the care spectrum can actively participate in achieving this designation. Organizations that receive this designation will have a competitive edge in recruiting and retaining credentialed nutrition and dietetics practitioners to the organization, and generate valuable metrics including benchmark data, best practices, and quality outcomes in their organizations.

Organizations That Have Met Criteria

Centers of Excellence Designation 

2024-2029 - UW Medicine Valley Medical Center - Renton, Washington

Standards and Center of Excellence Application Portal

Before your organization begins the application in the portal, we encourage organizations to complete a thorough self-assessment using the scoring tool to ensure readiness and alignment with documents requested.

To begin the application process, click here.

graphic showing two pictures with staff from UW Medicine Valley Medical Center and a quote from Melissa Molloy


Contact Information

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact

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