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Candidates are required to agree to this policy in their online REPS application before being approved for eligibility for the registration examination for dietitians.
What does the term registration eligible mean?
The term registration eligible is used by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) to identify individuals who have met didactic and supervised practice requirements and have established eligibility to take the registration examination. CDR will verify upon request that an individual has met registration eligibility requirements and their eligibility date.
RDE and RDNE Misuse:
Over the years, the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) has stated in Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) publications that neither RDE nor RDNE are credentials and that they should not be used. RDE is an acronym for Registered Dietitian (RD) Eligible and RDNE is an acronym for Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) Eligible. Anyone can file a complaint with CDR regarding an individual using:
- RD Eligible or RDN Eligible
- Registered Dietitian Eligible or Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Eligible
- RD or RDN if they are not registered as an RD or RDN with CDR
- “rd” or “rdn” in an email address prior to passing the registration examination for dietitians
Does the CDR recognize the use of RDE or RDNE?
No. These terms are not professional designations or credentials. Both employers and the public find the use of these terms confusing. Appropriate terminology to use is “registration eligible." If you are using the term RDE or RDNE, please discontinue use immediately and replace it with “registration eligible.” Individuals who use the terms RDE or RDNE are frequently reported to CDR regarding their misuse, and notified via a “cease and desist” order to discontinue its use.
Please contact your State Practice Board or Agency and review the State regulations regarding appropriate title use based on qualifications.